Governance and Economic Development

Building institutions that work for the people

Governance and Economic Development

Building institutions that work for the people

Governance and Economic Development helps to ensure that institutions in our partner countries have the capacity to create an enabling environment for socio-economic growth.

  • Our team shares a passion for development and is dedicated to delivering tailor-made solutions for every project, country and context in which we work.
  • Our holistic approach and deep understanding of the approaches to bring together governments, businesses and civil society organisations allows us to arrive at effective solutions to complex governance problems. 
  • We implement projects at all levels - from the macro level of general development strategies, down to the micro level of strengthening local governance and individual businesses, while paying due attention to cross-cutting issues such as human resource development, gender equality, and environmental protection
  • Our services in the areas of good governance and economic growth include:
    • Project cycle management;
    • Technical, economic and socio-economic studies;
    • Institution building;
    • Capacity building;
    • Organisational development and change management; 
    • Policy dialogue and policy advice. 
What I appreciate about GOPA is the trustful partnership and the confidence they have in my work. I receive help when I need it and together we take responsibility for the project’s results.
Elena Maximenco
Team Leader for a GOPA project in Tajikistan

Governance and Economic Development

Flagship projects under implementation

Malaysia (EU)
EU-Malaysia Cooperation Facility
EUR 5.18 million
No Poverty Decent Work and Economic Growth Peace and Justice - Strong Institutions Partnership for the Goals
Mongolia (EU)
International Trade Development
EUR 3.77 million
No Poverty Gender Equality Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry Innovation and Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Partnership for the Goals
Malawi (EU)
Provision of Technical Assistance to the Malawi Democratic Governance Programme (Boma Lathu)
EUR 2.96
Peace and Justice - Strong Institutions Partnership for the Goals
Serbia (EU)
EU for Public Administration Reform
EUR 2.92 million
Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry Innovation and Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Partnership for the Goals
South Africa (EU)
Technical Assistance to operationalise the Capacity Building & Engagement Window of the "Enhancing Accountability" programme
EUR 2.69 million
Gender Equality Decent Work and Economic Growth Reduced Inequalities Peace and Justice - Strong Institutions
Morocco (GIZ)
Good Financial Governance in Morocco - Supporting 8 municipalities in increasing revenues
EUR 1.95 million
Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry Innovation and Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Partnership for the Goals
Prior to joining the team in our headquarters, I worked for GOPA on a GIZ-funded project at the EAC Secretariat in Tanzania. I now have a pleasantly wide perspective on strategic aspects of our projects. I am particularly inspired by the dynamics of working in different countries and on diverse topics
Jesse Mutua
Project Manager in the Governance and Economic Development team

Governance and Economic Development

A selection of our knowledge products

  • Public policy management manuals;
  • Trainers guides on adaptive transformative challenges in the area of local governance; 
  • Mapping studies on non-state actors; 
  • Assessments of export promotion policies; 
  • Value chain analyses for export and cluster development

Governance and Economic Development


Cécile Tron-Muratori
cecile.tron-muratori [at]
Philadelphia Zawierucha
philadelphia.zawierucha [at]
Maria Dobi
maria.dobi [at]
Eric Vérin
eric.verin [at]