Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Using evidence to improve people's lives
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Using evidence to improve people's lives
I’ve been working for GOPA for 3 years as an M&E expert to provide local expertise in a multicultural team. Though this was my first long-term contract in a project, I have enjoyed the working environment and I am very happy with the results we have achieved so far. The GOPA colleagues are always friendly, even when we are faced with challenging tasks.
André Sibomana
Local Expert for a GOPA project in Rwanda funded by KfW

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Flagship projects under implementation
I am one of the founding members of our competence team and I am happy to see how we have broadened our technical scope and increased the number of clients. We like interacting and entering into dialogue with ministries, donors, NGOs and experts during our missions; and using the results from our expert assignments when developing new technical proposals or backstopping our projects.
Jonas Kaufmann
Senior Project Manager in the Monitoring and Evaluation team

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
A selection of our knowledge products
- Contribution to the content of the KfW database QUER (QUick Evaluation Results) by coding lessons learnt, risks, results and indicators;
- Annual Report 2020 - Accompanying Evaluation of the Funding Programme “Hospital Partnerships – Partners Strengthen Health” including a lessons learned section on success factors and challenges;
- Evaluation reports of 32 projects of the International Climate Initiative;
- Evaluation reports of various GIZ projects/Central Project Evaluations (CPE);
- 36 Case study reports, 5 thematic knowledge products, 48 project factsheets and a small project synthesis report for the GIZ program "Green People's Energy for Africa".
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Christina Hembrock
christina.hembrock [at] gopa.de